Thursday, July 21, 2011

Java note

Java only supports Pass-By-Value. You can pass a reference by value, but you cannot pass by reference in Java

Which one is faster in Java ?

1for(int i = 100000; i > 0; i--) {}
2for(int i = 1; i < 100001; i++) {}
Answer: Which ever is run second with be fastest. The server JVM can detect and eliminate loops which don't do anything. A method with either loop is compiled when the loop iterates about 10,000 times. (Based on -XX:CompileThreshold=10000) The first loop will take time to detect it doesn't do anything, however the second will have been compiled.

object is eligible for cleanup when it no longer has a strong reference from a Root context. An object which has a weak or soft reference can be cleaned up. An object without a strong reference might not be cleaned up (i.e. there is no guarentee a GC will be run and a minor GC will not clean up tenured objects)

System.gc() is a hint that a Full GC should be run. This can be disabled using a command line option.

transient can only be applied to fields and cannot be applied to local variables. It can be applied to static variables but will be generally ignored. Transient fields are not serialized automatically, but can be serialized by custom serialization e.g. writeObject and readObject()

volatile can only be applied to fields and the tell the JIT rather than the compiler that every access must get a cache coherent copy of the field. (Notionally from "main" memory)

Transient: This keyword means the field cannot be serialized automatically. It is not de-serialized automatically leaving the default value for the field. The default for Integer is null. The default for int is 0

Method overloading occurs when two methods have the same name but different signatures. The signature includes the parameter types and generic type. A single method can be called with different arguments and two overloaded methods can be called with the same arguments. i.e. its the signature not the arguments which matter.

Method overriding only occurs when a sub-class has the same signature as a method in a parent class.

An Integer is a reference to an object which wraps an int The key difference since autoboxing and unboxing was added is that an Integer can be null and the == operator compares references for Integer and the actual values for an int type.

1Integer i1 = 1;
2Integer i2 = 1;
3// true as the same autoboxed Integer is used.
4System.out.println(i1 == i2);
6Integer i3 = -200;
7Integer i4 = -200;
8// false as different autoboxed Integer objects are used.
9System.out.println(i3 == i4);

A Daemon thread is any thread which will not prevent the JVM from shutting down. Any thread can be considered a "background" thread. Daemon threads are given the same priority as non-Daemon threads (based on their priority) When a daemon thread is running it doesn't prevent another thread from running any differently from a non-daemon thread running. 
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