You've probably guessed that gold-plated cables for your home theater are entirely unnecessary. Still, there must be some small quality difference for all that price, right? Mint.com's blog lays out the answer: No, not at all.
Teaming up with WallStats, Mint lays out the case against the gold-plated, gas-pressurized, terribly overpriced cables you'll find lining the shelves at electronics retailers. Monster is a main culprit of preying on those who haven't learned what Mint's very clever infographic illustrates: there is no difference that you can see with your eyes between a $6 HDMI cable and a $250 HDMI cable.
Here's their full take:

The crying shame that is a $250 cable has been covered in-depth by our HDTV-obsessed cousins at Gizmodo, and the cable accessory money trail followed by Consumerist. If you've got a safe online or retail spot to order cheap cables, lead us to it in the comments.
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